Minnesota Adventist Podcast

Sabbath Episode 1

Timothy Rittenour

I am experimenting with a new idea and that is to provide you with reviews of various Bible subjects that are vital for us to know well as we come to the close of this world's history. We may be called upon someday, to give a defence of our beliefs. I feel I need to be better prepared to do so if I am faced with such a scenario and I suspect I am not alone. I am beginning with the Sabbath which of course, as Seventh-Day Adventists, we should know "backwards and forwards". I plan to continue to do interviews as well. The summer has been busy for all of us but I think things are starting to slow down now so I will endeavor to put out more material. I am experimenting with some software tools to aid me so forgive me if something doesn't seem quite right in this recording. I want to improve and continue to learn how I can produce higher quality content without "breaking the bank".  Thank-you for your support!

As host of the Minnesota Adventist Podcast I want to give praise and honor to my Lord and Savior and Dearest Friend, Jesus Christ, as being the inspiration behind and producer of this podcast. With His oversight and blessing, I want to offer to Seventh-Day Adventists across the state of Minnesota and beyond, news and inspiration, testimonies, interviews, sermons, music and whatever else I believe can be a help and blessing to our ever growing Adventist family. At this time, when the crescendoing judgements of God are falling upon the land and the signs of Christ's soon return are more evident everyday, we need each other. We need to band together and "press together" that we may be "one" in Christ and answer His earnest prayer to "love one another" as He has loved us. It is only in doing so, that we can help one another and others to be fully committed and ready for His soon return. "Multitudes, multitudes in the valley of decision: for the day of the LORD is near...." Joel 3:14.

I, who am less than the least of His,

Timothy Rittenour
Host of the Minnesota Adventist Podcast

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