Minnesota Adventist Podcast

Dr Helen Roseveare's Story of suffering in the Belgium Congo in the early 1960's

Timothy Rittenour

Why does God permit suffering? An age old question that I have wondered about in my own life. I have at times asked why I was born into the home I had with all it's pain, abuse and suffering. There have been times I have, through blinding tears, asked God why He could not have given me a different home, with loving parents. The Lord in His mercy and kindness helped to answer that question for me this morning as I stumbled upon this YouTube interview this morning. I need to be hear the voice of God speaking to me with this question, "Can you thank Me for trusting you with this experience, even if I never tell you why"? Dear friend, have you had some traumatic, painful, dark experiences you have passed through in your life? Perhaps you are carrying them all by yourself, not daring to tell anyone about them? Have you wondered why God allowed you to suffer so? I trust this episode will bring some answers and comfort to your soul. I pray that it will. Jesus understands suffering and wishes for you to trust Him and bring to Him all that pain. He is preparing a home for us now, where there will be no more death or suffering or pain. If you have not surrendered you heart and life to Him and experienced the comfort and relief He can give, why not give Him your heart today...

As host of the Minnesota Adventist Podcast I want to give praise and honor to my Lord and Savior and Dearest Friend, Jesus Christ, as being the inspiration behind and producer of this podcast. With His oversight and blessing, I want to offer to Seventh-Day Adventists across the state of Minnesota and beyond, news and inspiration, testimonies, interviews, sermons, music and whatever else I believe can be a help and blessing to our ever growing Adventist family. At this time, when the crescendoing judgements of God are falling upon the land and the signs of Christ's soon return are more evident everyday, we need each other. We need to band together and "press together" that we may be "one" in Christ and answer His earnest prayer to "love one another" as He has loved us. It is only in doing so, that we can help one another and others to be fully committed and ready for His soon return. "Multitudes, multitudes in the valley of decision: for the day of the LORD is near...." Joel 3:14.

I, who am less than the least of His,

Timothy Rittenour
Host of the Minnesota Adventist Podcast

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